Monday, March 30, 2009

A boost of confidence!!

I got a BIG boost of confidence today!!! I tried on jeans @ Owens in a size smaller & they fit! I'm sure my face was glowing b/c I was so happy!! LOL I haven't weighed in a few weeks b/c it just keeps telling me the same weight & that I've only lost 3 lbs. Well people, I have been loosing inches apparently! I'm actually excited to weigh this week and see what it says!

Other than that, we have been up to the same old thing. We went to Nick & Julie's engagement dinner Saturday night and had a great time with everyone! Last week we went to a circus, witnessed friends renew their wedding vows after 15 years, and Levi built 2 hog traps for a guy. This week I plan on being a little less busy. We plan on being at home b/c I have many areas of my house calling me... paint, flooring, flowers for the porches, & getting a garden area ready!...

Hope everyone is having a great Monday!!


Amy said...

Yay to the new jean size!

I saw on another blog today a girl that had started selling Scentsy and she had a picture of some of them. They were animal print!!!! I want one!!! Do they really make them? There was a zebra, lepard, and giraffe! Let me know so I can order one for my living room!

Whitney said...

Yeah for you... must be all that biking!

Lacey said...

YAY!! YOu doing great, I can't wait to see you, sorry we missed you this weekend, we had to come back early! Love you!

West Texas Momma said...

Congrats on the jeans... I just keep going the other way. Keep going for you and me! heheh

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Yes, girl, I totally hear you on the no weight loss thing, but my clothes fit so much better! Well, they did, until I took 2 weeks off of exercising and eating right...yikes, not good. But I've started again since Tuesday and already feel better! You keep going! Day to day may not seem like much change but just think about what you will be able to see when you look back in a YEAR and see your changes! Wow! You're going to be blown away!